Holiday Market Information & Rules - 2024

What are the market dates and times?

The Holiday Markets are open 9:30am-12:30pm, Usual dates are a Saturday in November prior to Thanksgiving and a Saturday in December prior to Christmas.  The 2024 market dates are not set yet.  Please monitor the page and website for updated information in August 2024.

How do I become a vendor?

You can apply to become a vendor by completing the online application at the Albemarle Farmers Market website under the Holiday Market Application page/tab. Or by by copying and pasting the following in the search bar:

What is cost of participation?

Cost to participate is $15-20 per space, per date of participation. Payable at the time of online application. Final price for 2024 holiday markets will be set when the application is available in August 2024.

Where is the market located?

The market is set up in the Forest Lakes South Pool and Recreation Center parking lot.  The address is 1650 Ashwood Blvd. Charlottesville, Virginia 22911.

Can anyone be a vendor?

Any person may be a vendor.  However if under the age of 18 a parent or legal guardian must sign the vendor indemnity agreement on behalf of the minor vendor and the person over the age of 18 must be present during the market hours with the minor vendor.


The market is outdoors in the Forest Lakes South Pool and Recreation Center parking lot. 1650 Ashwood Blvd. Charlottesville, VA. 22911.

Vendor will be notified of acceptance via email at the email address listed on the application.  If accepted the email will be sent usually within 10 days of application.

You may set up at any time the day of the market beginning at 7:45am. You must be packed up and out of the market area by 2pm that market date.

Tents and or canopies are not required but are encouraged if you are worried about damage to products due to rain. Tent or canopy size may not extend into a neighboring vendor space.  spaces are 10' wide.  Do not bring a tent or canopy that is larger on one end than 10'.  If a tent or canopy is used they must be weighted down.

Your space will be marked to show the limits of where you can set up and how far you may extend into the center walking aisle where the customers travel.

Generators will only be allowed with prior approval from Market Manager - contact Alisa at

Restrooms are onsite in the Forest Lakes Clubhouse. Market manager will have a key to clubhouse doors so that you may access the restrooms.

Vendors are NOT allowed to bring weapons or firearms onto the market premises.

A map of vendor space assignment will be emailed to the vendor a few days prior to the market date.

Inclement Weather - The market will operate if it is raining.  If there is inclement weather and the market is unable to operate due to the road conditions (IE SNOW OR ICE - ROADS NOT PASSABLE). The market will be rescheduled to the following day.  If the market is unable to be rescheduled to a date where weather allows the market to operate vendors will refunded amounts they paid in vendor fees with in 7 days of market cancellation.

The market manager has the sole right to accepting a vendor into the market, and the right to place the vendor at any location in the market area.

If a vendor decided not to sell at the market they were accepted to they must notify the market manager.  The vendor, if absent from the market does not have the authority to - give, lend, rent - their space to any other vendor.

A vendor may not invite another person to "Sell" in their booth if the items being sold were not included on the original vendor application. Example: you sell cutting boards.  Your friend who makes baked goods decides they want to join you - they may not share your booth.  They would need to apply for their own booth or you would have had to include their products in your original application for it to be allowed.

If your booth will generate trash (sample cups, trash from food service, etc) you must provide a trash receptacle for any trash to be disposed of at the market.  Any generated trash must be disposed of in the dumpster near the pool entrance in the wooden enclosure or taken with you for private disposal.